
Our handcrafted Porsche 911 models are made from high-quality plaster and cast in a custom-designed silicone mold. The negative mold was created from a 3D-printed model to capture every detail of the iconic vehicle with precision. Each creation is unique and reflects a passion for design and craftsmanship.

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How it's done

Our Porsche 911 models are created through a precise handcrafted process. First, we pour plaster into a custom-made silicone mold. After the models have hardened, they are carefully sanded to achieve a smooth surface. We then spray them in the desired color and hand-attach them to their bases.

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Special requests

We also offer custom designs upon request. If you have a specific Porsche 911 model or color scheme in mind, please let us know. We will meticulously craft a unique model tailored to your preferences. For inquiries, contact us at

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